Hello, and welcome to my website and world of photography. I am a photographer from the city of Portsmouth, UK, with a diverse range of photographic interests that span across various genres, including performance events, fashion, fitness, glamour, lifestyle, and wildlife.
My passion for photography spans over four decades, going back to the era of film photography. I began my photographic journey by capturing moments on film, I initially moved to digital by scanning photographs from negatives and slides. It was in late 2000, with the introduction of Canon's pioneering and affordable DSLR, the D30, that I embraced digital photography wholeheartedly. Throughout this journey, I've remained dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of photographic technology and now use both the Canon R3 and Canon R5ii.
During the summer months you will find me shooting local events in and around Portsmouth, but I also love doing fashion, lifestyle, and other shoots whenever I get the chance. Whether it's out on location or in the studio, I always aim to deliver great results. When time allows or when I am at a loose end I also enjoy photographing local wildlife and capturing its natural beauty.
Explore My Portfolio
This website has a few galleries of my work but you can delve into my extensive portfolio of event photography showcased under the "Seen in Portsmouth" banner on Facebook. Additionally, I invite you to explore my earlier work, a glimpse into the world of 20th-century photography, which I'm gradually archiving on a dedicated Facebook page.
If you wish to collaborate on a project (model/influencer/performer etc), please don't hesitate to reach out.

With Chloe Josephine at Victorious Festival 2023 Photo by Andy Matheson

At Victorious Festival 2023 Photo By Sally Cox